Saturday, November 30, 2013
The Topic of Healing
Healing... well healing would seem like a thing that would be smooth and wonderfully transitional. However, many times healing is painful and extremely long. There are times in the healing process where feelings you can't completely comprehend (and probably never will) will take their toll on your confidence and what little strength you think you have.However, healing is so very necessary. I have heard many ministers in my life say that it was because of the sufferings and times of healing in their life that created the backdrop for the anointing they then had in their ministry. Of course I always desired to be used of God in my life, and in what little way I could I wanted to be an over-comer of the struggles that had haunted and shaped me from childhood to now. I think a part of me knew that the darkness of the past had to be brought to the light if I desired to be used in the capacity that God desires. Yet, I don't think I fully understood (on the cognitive) the level of digging in the soul it would take to overcome the demons from the past. All I desire is to be whole! I keep telling myself, all I desire is to be whole! I want to love as a whole person! I am not just talking romantically, I am talking about loving those that I will minister too in the ministry, and I am talking about friends, loved ones and the future children I will have.
I hear many ministers say, "Be careful what you pray for," concerning patience, healing, anointing and trust. However, it was because this phrase was spoken that I was afraid to pray these prayers. I thought it should be avoided because it works! ha! Yet, it is these prayers that take an individual from the surface level of a relationship with God into the deep depths of servant-hood and intimacy! As a person deep within the valley at the present moment, I can honestly say that if it brings me closer to Christ, if it brings me closer to healing, if it brings me closer to a deeper love for others and appreciation for who I am as an individual then I thank the Lord for this trial. I can assure you that if you serve God and you love God there will come a time in your life (many times) where He will prod you to a deeper level of intimacy will Him. When He does invite you to a deeper level, there always comes a new level of suffering, healing, or trial. It is because when we draw closer to God, we must shed another layer of facade that we hide behind.
Let me be real so that a person that is facing a time of healing understands what comes with healing. When they pray that prayer, they are praying for long trials (months/years) of emotional pain, they are praying for times in which nothing will keep a person going except the hope and trust that Christ will pull them through. They are praying for a time of extreme loneliness in which the only person that will be there to hold them up will be God, and no other relationship would seem to fulfill on the level that God could. It means that there will be times where they will cry out in intense pain and ask why they were experiencing such pain! The big question, "Why?! What is the purpose of this?!" will seem like the mantra of your existence. There will be the times (if completely honest) the spiritual attacks coupled with your valley experience will motivate yourself to ask, "What is the purpose of living anymore?" That question is not worth entertaining! There is always purpose! God has a plan for your life.
It seem only fair to express why the time of healing is good for you! Now that I have completely shattered your idea that times of healing are smooth and easy, but it is definitely worth it, and let me explain why.
It is worth it because when you overcome the pain and struggle and finally face those things that you had so craftily hid all your life, you will be a completely new and whole person through the works of the Holy Spirit. You will be a new creature! (2 Cor. 5:17)Your relationship with God will be undeniable! You will learn to never question His unconditional love! For the first time in your life, His love will be so real in every aspect of your life. It will also be displayed and acted out through your interpersonal walk with others! (Hebrew 10:24, James 1:12)Thirdly but definitely not the last reason why it is so worth it, is because, when you overcome this time of trial through healing you will be empowered to strengthen others who are still suffering. Our greatest weakness through Christ is our greatest strength! You are meant to love those in this world that are hurting! You are called to great ministries through Christ! But we each must first battle the things that we are afraid of.
I want to encourage you and call you to action in this matter! There are so many people that go their entire lives never having dealt with the pains of their past, and many others that then became the very things they hated, simply because they did not dare to face the things that caused them pain. We are so much stronger through Christ! His love and purpose's for us are so much higher than the "huge" mountain or giant that faces us now. I encourage you to let God lead you into a time of healing. Don't go seeking it, but when God calls you into a deeper place with Him, trust that all that He does is for your good. The Word says that He will never give you more than you can handle! (1 Cor. 10:13)So hold on and seek His face continually! if anyone believes in you and desires the very best in you in all things it is our Creator! He has plans for you beyond your imaginings but you must first submit yourself, and trust His will completely and I can assure you that He will bring you out as a new person, whole and clean in His sight! (Romans 12:2)
Here are some scriptures that have been an encouragement through the dark times. Of course these are sections that have spoken to me personally. However, in your walk with Christ allow Him to minister to you as He would have to minister to you. That may be through different sections of the Bible. The main point is to let the Word be a light in the dark times, a weapon when spiritual attacks are prevalent, a hope when all things seem hopeless, and a means of ministering when you and God commune one on one!
Psalm 23, 25, 27, 34, 37, 38, 46, 51, 61, 91, 116, 121, 127, 143
The book of Romans, Hebrews, and the book of John.
Isaiah 40: 31 (Strength through God), 50:2, 52, 53 (The coming hope in Christ!), 55
Sunday, November 24, 2013
The Call to Serve
I want to start this blog with a video. While you listen to this song, I want you to consider and reflect on one of two things. The first to reflect on is the severity of certain pains, hurts & stresses in your life. For many of you this aspect of reflection will not be difficult, and for others it may. We can all think of different difficulties that we each face from the day to day and then sometimes we can see even deeper within the dark crevices of our soul. When we come face to face with those kinds of pains many times we cannot fully face the reality of who we are. As a result, we yet again push those pains down to survive each day having never dealt with those deep issues within.
As you listen to this song ponder on these things, ask yourself, "Do I tackle these pains, stresses & frustrations alone or is God in the midst of my struggles?" This song has been on my heart so heavily these past couple weeks and I felt the need to share it, and also share how much it has affected my thinking. Enjoy the song and remember to reflect.
The second thing I would like you to reflect on is to consider those pains, stresses and sorrows that others in your life may be facing. The first aspect can be easier for you to ponder on; however, it is the second that should take time. Do you remember the look of emptiness, sadness, pain, tears upon a close ones face? What of the face of a stranger? Do you look into their eyes and truly see all that is there? Do we really take the time to see people? Can you think of all you have done to help, comfort, or serve others in their time of need?
There has never been a stronger pull for me to serve others than when I have suffered as I have. I realize that there are those in life that have faced very little in life. They have been exceedingly blessed with a life with little struggle; however, there are those that have faced heartache after heartache. So many lives that did not even survive infant-hood. this is the reality of the world that we live in. Does this make God inherently evil? Does this somehow make our Creator unjust? In all the pain, throughout all the unanswered questions spoken in the dark, the lonely tears that have stained your cheeks deep in the shadow of the night, it is in all those moments that God's greatest glory can be showcased. No God is not evil, and He is not unjust. We live in a fallen world, full of broken and hurting people.
I think I am coming to a realization that compassion is not birthed out of a vacuum. Perhaps compassion is the truest sense of knowing that despite the incredible cruelty in this world and even within ourselves, we learn to not obsess over the wretchedness of ourselves but rather turn and love (care) for those that are hurting as well. A large portion of sadness in Western society is the epidemic of loneliness. It runs rampant throughout the world but rather intensely in North America. A nation that has so much riches is so poverty stricken of intimacy and love. A people that has everything monetarily and starving in all things concerning the condition of a healthy and thriving heart. This statement, I know, is a blanket statement, but not at all far from the truth.
I believe there is a two step process of suffering that a person takes to becoming more compassionate concerning loving others as Christ has loved them.
1. The inward struggle: They struggle with the reality of their own pains and sufferings. The Lord reveals to them the reality that through persecution and pain obedience in Him can become a reality and His glory is ultimately displayed through the testimony that you as a believer hold. In this level the Christian can become very self focused. Much obsessive introspection can consume the believer; however, they must be mindful to remember that the trial that they are facing is not ultimately about them but rather the testimony that they will have. This testimony has a sole purpose of displaying the wonderful glory and power of God.
Even Christ learned obedience through suffering here on earth. Hebrews 5:8-9, states, "Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all that obey him." Suffering doesn't have to seem like a vain thing with no purpose. Suffering can and has been used throughout time and history as a means of pruning God's children. He desires to mature, and prepare us for a higher level of witness and ministry to the world.
2. The Outward Response: This compassion that wells up within the servants heart then begins to need release. This deep sense of gratitude that ultimately consumes your heart overflows with the knowledge that it was by Christ's lovingkindness, mercy and grace that you have even survived the time of suffering that you survived. It had nothing to do with how strong you were, or how great you are at persevering or digging your heals in and weathering the storm. No, it comes down to the simple fact that God's great mercies and love are what brought you through. Ultimately you wish to share that experience with those around you (or your should), and what was once an inward experience or transformation thus becomes an outward witness and testimony.
But here is the clincher. You cannot give up! Do not for one moment believe that your pains and suffering are in vain, because, they are not! Your life is special, it is unique and it has a very special purpose for this world! You are not in any way useless or worthless, and I can prove it! The Lord woke me up early.... early.... early this morning to remind me something that I can never forget ever again and it is in Psalm 139:13-14, "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Imagine God using gentle fingers to form your existence in the womb... as small as each of us begin, and yet He formed each of us. Does that sound like a God that formed a life for a purposeless life? I think not! In the end that life is created for a unique purpose. Each of us is meant to share that beautiful testimony with those around us that have also forgotten that they too are called to sing a special song in life.
You are called to serve. Do you know how I know this? Because the hurting, when they overcome their trials are vessels by which God can reach those that are still hurting. This is because when you have overcome your trial, you are strengthened to the point that you transfer that testimony from the inward maturation to the outward ministry expression! The gospel is meant to be shared! It is not meant to be caged, silenced or hidden! We are the vessels by which that great work is spread! But we must accept the fact that we are called by His great name, that He inevitably gets all the glory (no matter the struggle), and that we are each wonderfully and fearfully made. Now lets go out and share this great news with those that don't yet realize what they are made of through Jesus Christ our Savior!
It may look bleak now, but realize that nothing worth having comes through the drive through window. Instant gratification is exactly what it sounds like... cheap. However, if you desire a life that is filled with love, peace, joy and kindness towards others, then be prepared to wait. Only time will be the factor between a life heated and burned in the microwave or gently baked in the hot heat of a furnace oven. Its not about time, it is about quality, but in the end I desire to hear my maker speak those beautiful words, "Well done thy good and faithful servant."
As you listen to this song ponder on these things, ask yourself, "Do I tackle these pains, stresses & frustrations alone or is God in the midst of my struggles?" This song has been on my heart so heavily these past couple weeks and I felt the need to share it, and also share how much it has affected my thinking. Enjoy the song and remember to reflect.
The second thing I would like you to reflect on is to consider those pains, stresses and sorrows that others in your life may be facing. The first aspect can be easier for you to ponder on; however, it is the second that should take time. Do you remember the look of emptiness, sadness, pain, tears upon a close ones face? What of the face of a stranger? Do you look into their eyes and truly see all that is there? Do we really take the time to see people? Can you think of all you have done to help, comfort, or serve others in their time of need?
There has never been a stronger pull for me to serve others than when I have suffered as I have. I realize that there are those in life that have faced very little in life. They have been exceedingly blessed with a life with little struggle; however, there are those that have faced heartache after heartache. So many lives that did not even survive infant-hood. this is the reality of the world that we live in. Does this make God inherently evil? Does this somehow make our Creator unjust? In all the pain, throughout all the unanswered questions spoken in the dark, the lonely tears that have stained your cheeks deep in the shadow of the night, it is in all those moments that God's greatest glory can be showcased. No God is not evil, and He is not unjust. We live in a fallen world, full of broken and hurting people.
I think I am coming to a realization that compassion is not birthed out of a vacuum. Perhaps compassion is the truest sense of knowing that despite the incredible cruelty in this world and even within ourselves, we learn to not obsess over the wretchedness of ourselves but rather turn and love (care) for those that are hurting as well. A large portion of sadness in Western society is the epidemic of loneliness. It runs rampant throughout the world but rather intensely in North America. A nation that has so much riches is so poverty stricken of intimacy and love. A people that has everything monetarily and starving in all things concerning the condition of a healthy and thriving heart. This statement, I know, is a blanket statement, but not at all far from the truth.
I believe there is a two step process of suffering that a person takes to becoming more compassionate concerning loving others as Christ has loved them.
1. The inward struggle: They struggle with the reality of their own pains and sufferings. The Lord reveals to them the reality that through persecution and pain obedience in Him can become a reality and His glory is ultimately displayed through the testimony that you as a believer hold. In this level the Christian can become very self focused. Much obsessive introspection can consume the believer; however, they must be mindful to remember that the trial that they are facing is not ultimately about them but rather the testimony that they will have. This testimony has a sole purpose of displaying the wonderful glory and power of God.
Even Christ learned obedience through suffering here on earth. Hebrews 5:8-9, states, "Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all that obey him." Suffering doesn't have to seem like a vain thing with no purpose. Suffering can and has been used throughout time and history as a means of pruning God's children. He desires to mature, and prepare us for a higher level of witness and ministry to the world.
2. The Outward Response: This compassion that wells up within the servants heart then begins to need release. This deep sense of gratitude that ultimately consumes your heart overflows with the knowledge that it was by Christ's lovingkindness, mercy and grace that you have even survived the time of suffering that you survived. It had nothing to do with how strong you were, or how great you are at persevering or digging your heals in and weathering the storm. No, it comes down to the simple fact that God's great mercies and love are what brought you through. Ultimately you wish to share that experience with those around you (or your should), and what was once an inward experience or transformation thus becomes an outward witness and testimony.
But here is the clincher. You cannot give up! Do not for one moment believe that your pains and suffering are in vain, because, they are not! Your life is special, it is unique and it has a very special purpose for this world! You are not in any way useless or worthless, and I can prove it! The Lord woke me up early.... early.... early this morning to remind me something that I can never forget ever again and it is in Psalm 139:13-14, "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Imagine God using gentle fingers to form your existence in the womb... as small as each of us begin, and yet He formed each of us. Does that sound like a God that formed a life for a purposeless life? I think not! In the end that life is created for a unique purpose. Each of us is meant to share that beautiful testimony with those around us that have also forgotten that they too are called to sing a special song in life.
You are called to serve. Do you know how I know this? Because the hurting, when they overcome their trials are vessels by which God can reach those that are still hurting. This is because when you have overcome your trial, you are strengthened to the point that you transfer that testimony from the inward maturation to the outward ministry expression! The gospel is meant to be shared! It is not meant to be caged, silenced or hidden! We are the vessels by which that great work is spread! But we must accept the fact that we are called by His great name, that He inevitably gets all the glory (no matter the struggle), and that we are each wonderfully and fearfully made. Now lets go out and share this great news with those that don't yet realize what they are made of through Jesus Christ our Savior!
It may look bleak now, but realize that nothing worth having comes through the drive through window. Instant gratification is exactly what it sounds like... cheap. However, if you desire a life that is filled with love, peace, joy and kindness towards others, then be prepared to wait. Only time will be the factor between a life heated and burned in the microwave or gently baked in the hot heat of a furnace oven. Its not about time, it is about quality, but in the end I desire to hear my maker speak those beautiful words, "Well done thy good and faithful servant."
Monday, November 11, 2013
Dear Brokenhearted,
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Joel David Holsinger - "Mount Calvary" |
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand."
-John 10:27-29
-John 10:27-29
Dear Brokenhearted, I know your thoughts in the night. Curling in the fetal position your emotions and thoughts begin to fight. Overwhelmed with sorrow and hopeless thoughts inside. Your dreams seem unfulfilled and the complex of failure alive. Darling I see your tears and I hear you sobs through the sky.
Dear Brokenhearted, your soul is still alive. You'll find strength every day from the Lord and you will be okay. And when you lose all your faith, just believe in His ways. The time will come when you will be strengthened. All the sorrow and the pain, doesn't make sense in the rain. But when the clouds clear the sky, the sun will seem so bright.
Your life is in His hands. He cradles everything. His love is so deep!
Hold on... Hold on, I beg you.
Your life is of value. And you are beautiful. Don't think to believe that you are worth nothing. Jesus created you and He paid the full price to see you live in Him. His work on the cross is not in vain. He died for you, so that you wouldn't need to live in shame. The night seems dark in the present but the day will come when it isn' hold on.
Dear Brokenhearted, you sing a song alone. No hugs, no love from anyone. You suffer from the tears of loneliness. However, you are not alone. You will never be alone. Accept His love into your heart and the great gap will be filled. You are God's creation and all pains in Him is healed. He loves you so deeply.
You angrily ask why suffering must exist. Your tears seem red with anger and your thoughts can't comprehend. His ways are not our own and the evil in the world is not our home. The Lord is our Savior and He will bring us home. Cling to His promises that life anew with Him is worth it. He will not forsake you so hold on.
Darling, we may never understand, why the pain we feel hurts so bad. The times we suffer are the times we grow. The wilderness, the desert is the lowest of the lows. However, when the Lord is our Savior and we lean on His great strength, no amount of suffering could ever pull us away. The Good Lord, is still good even when we can't lift our face.The tears may still rain down, but it is safe in His hands. He sentimentally collects them and remembers all our woes. With great care and gentility He will hold us as we grow.
The Lord is all we need if we are willing to seek His face. The Lord our God and Savior believes in all we are. Hold on my darling. You will make it. His word is still and true. Hold on my darling. Hold on.
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