Wednesday, March 26, 2014

To Know God

I came to a revelation today. I cannot adequately express how much I have learned these past 6-8 months. Life events fraught with painful shifting of the soul, healing, detoxing from bad habits and drawing into a deeper and more intimate friendship with my Creator. But today as I swung on a tire swing and allowed the Lord to silently minister to me, a thought came to me in the silence. The sun baked my skin as I spun in circles on the playground. Its simple yet deeply profound for me. As a result I  thought I would share my thoughts with the social world.

My life is what it is. I can't change it. I can't force it to be something that it isn't. However, it definitely has beautiful potential. My desire it to know God, to draw closer to Him and to learn what it is to be more Christlike. Simply put, I want to know God. If I am seeking those beautiful things then I believe that I will be in the perfect will and care of God. When you place your life in His care, completely, everything will work out to His perfect glory. I look back on my life, as i sit here, and I see a continuous desire to know God. I see a desire to be near Him and to do His hearts desire. I found myself in the past, almost always trying to SELF-fulfill those things. Instead of just allowing God to have control. For years I ran in spiritual circles. Yet the Lord had mercy on me and showed me His truth in His timing.

But in the end, the beautiful moment came. It will sound plain and uninspired I assure you. However, its beauty in my mind is so much more vibrant than the colors this language paint it. Because it is a spiritual revelation that only the soul can fluently describe. I learned to let go & trust. I saw myself in my minds eye, sitting in the present, on a timeline. It was a long white line. This timeline moved backwards 25 1/2 years and forwards into the unknown years, days or hours. I looked back into the past and saw the handprint of my influence could not touch the past. I could not change it for it has already happened. It was an intangible thing on this timeline that I existed on. Yet I could see it (remember), feel it (deeply and unbearably at times), and experience it (reliving the past) if I so choose.

It was the future that seemed so much more liberating and limiting at the same time. I reflected on it, and as I did, I noticed that the line never ended. The beauty of its potential glowed into my warm dreams, hopes and potential decisions that I would someday make. However, I could not see who I was or what I would eventually do. This was completely different than looking into the past and seeing my memories. regardless, the warmth of my future seemed secure as the endless line rolled into something rock solid. It rolled into something more powerful than any life that has ever lived or died and that is at the foot of the cross.

The cross met my life line at every potential memory, present circumstance and potential future life event. It warmed it with mercy, grace, redemption and love. It met it with beauty and grace and heated the conviction in my heart to hold fast to what I cannot see or perceive in the present. I am on the line but I am safe and so are you. The beauty of such faith astounds the heart of an individual that had never felt such safety all her life. Yet my life and all that it is rests on the solid foundation of something that stood the test of time, changed the course of time and altered all that we were meant to be. We were meant for destruction but the cross changed that. We were meant to face death but the cross overcame it. We were meant for isolation from our God, but the cross redeemed us. We were meant to suffer for all eternity but the blood offering of Christ paid the price! We are safe and secure at the foot of the cross! So why worry? If you are discontent about who you are now, find peace with God. Realize that all that we are right now is only for the present but God's potential for us is so much greater than the sufferings and tears we may endure today! Hold fast to the truth and cling to His promises. You are safe.

It is imperative that I get this point across. There is nothing you can do to change what God has ordained to happen. If you don't know how to overcome something, rest in the arms of Christ and wait for His timing. You can't force it, you can't manipulate yourself to feel differently, you can't change time or make something better or even heal yourself. No it is only God that can do these things. Trust that He is good and that He is for you. Rest in the knowledge that you are safe at the foot of the cross and your future will seem so much brighter. Quit worrying, quit thinking of things over and over and wishing and trying to change it. You can't! Just rest and wait in Him. There is peace in this. There is joy in this. There is rest and soundness in this. But it takes courage and faith to do so.

So you see our lives are exactly what they are and as they should be. They have all the glorious potential to be so much more in Christ. Not by our strength, willpower, manipulation of the heart or deception of the mind. Because that is not truly letting go and letting God. No, only a humble and trusting heart in God has the wonderful and powerful potential of being something greater than we ourselves can create. I encourage you to place yourself into the hands of a God who is the only time keeper, time maker, and life giver and life molder. He is truly my all in all. Everything that I was, everything that I am, and everything that I will be rests in Him. There is no safer place to be.

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