I think that much of my generation has romanticized and limited what it means to be a minister. Are we called to a specific place, to a specific people, in a specific manner? I believe that some are but many are unnecessarily waiting for something that I believe wasn't meant to be their form of "calling." We spend so much energy praying for so much detail that we never start what we were called to do which is to minister to the needy and broken.
I think that the great christian historical figures in history got it right. They didn't wait until they felt called or felt called to a specific place, job or peoples before they went. These great Christians just did it. They saw a need exactly where they were at. They filled the gap exactly where God placed them. They didn't romanticize the call and wait for the call to take them somewhere. The call was exactly where they were in that moment. It wasn't a call to a place but a call to people. It wasn't a call to a specific job but a call to a need.
Stop waiting and just serve. Stop romanticizing something that isn't romantic. It's ugly. It is hard, it is lonely and it is never finished. The only romantic part about ministry is the relationship we cultivate in our savior. He asks of us things that aren't easy and aren't pretty. He asks us to constantly be better in Him than who we are in the present. He challenges us to grow to a level that seems impossible at the spiritual level that we are at in the present. He is never content with us staying the same. This is because He truly believes we are capable of more than we think we are capable of. Ministry is being where you know to be, growing and serving in the place you are now and doing what no one else will do. Does that sound romantic or just plain practical?
The beauty of serving God isn't in the call. No, it is in the service. That is why the greats where so great! They served regardless of where they were and their passion was fueled by the need that they saw around them. Not the other way around. Stop romanticizing the call and romanticize the service. Because it is only the service that truly matters. In fact, better yet, let's not romanticize anything. Romanticizing only sets up false expectations that only end up disappointing.
For those of you waiting for a call or waiting to reach your destination for missions work. Pause and think, what are you doing now to fulfill the call you already have been given? Are you reaching those in need next to you or only desiring for something that you aren't spiritually ready to face yet? Perhaps a little perspective change is in order. How willing are you to do the work of the kingdom exactly where God has you right now? Perhaps the reason a calling hasn't been given is because you have shown no true commitment or service in the place God has planted you in presently. No matter where you are there is a need.
Ask yourself what is the need and what can I do in the ministry God has blessed me with already? God takes us to different levels in different phases of our life. Don't be too eager to rush what you aren't ready to face. All are called to service in the kingdom but sadly few ever truly serve outside their own needs. Step outside your comfort zone and serve!
Blessings to all!
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