Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Where are your Gods!"

This is me preaching to me before i am ever preaching to anyone else but i feel it should be shared.
I have learned this lesson over and over the hard way and the sad thing is that because i am human and so fickle i forget the lessons i learned yesterday and seem to always go back to things i did before. Now many of those things seem unimportant little things however in the grand scheme of things God cares.

So to start off this article i want to open with prayer and i have never done this but i want you to be open to what i have to say and to take it into your heart and receive it. just bow your head and ask God to open your heart and hear this message without an offensive spirit. I hope that you understand that this is not an attack on you but an attack against the mindset that we get in todays society and how it effects us. Please remember this is me talking to myself as well, even before i even share it with you.

Lately i have been learning the value of prayer. I know i should have learned the value of prayer so long ago but it is something that is downplayed so much and its importance in todays church is not highly ranked. How many churches have prayer rooms anymore? How many churches meet during the week to lift up their children in prayer and pray for the government and the lost. How many churches have prayer seminars or revivals where all we do is pray? But prayer is what breaks things apart in the spirit or brings things together. God hears prayer, more than anything else. yes God sees your tears and hurts when you hurt, but he doesn't feel invited into your presence to comfort you until you call on His name. Prayer is the avenue in which we touch the hem of Gods garment and even further when we feel His warmth and embrace.

A couple days ago i opened my new pink bible Amber gave me for a gift. It opened to Jeremiah. I had already taken a class on the major prophets and i studied Jeremiah and loved it. but i opened, to the passage of Jeremiah 2: 27-29 which basically is:
"Who say to a tree, 'you are my father,' and to a stone, 'you gave me birth.' For they have turned their back to me, and not their face. But in the time of their trouble they say, 'Arise and save us!' (28) But where are your Gods that you made for yourself? Let them arise, if they can save you, in your time of trouble; for as many as your cities are your gods, O Judah. (29) 'Why do you contend with me? You have all transgressed against me, Declares the Lord."

Now the statement that replays within my mind is, 'Arise and save us!' and Gods reply, 'But where are your Gods that you made for yourself?' Now in biblical times God was talking about the stone idols that the men of Judah had placed in their houses as household gods and the stone idols they bowed down before in prostration and for fornication. idol worship was rampant within the homes of Judah and they were ultimately exiled for their deeds. But now i look at this passage today and i think on my own life and i see God reminding me of the stone idols i have put up in my heart.

He asks me when i am in need, 'But where are your gods you have created for yourself?' for i have the idol of worry in my heart. I pray to the idol of finances, and i pray to the idol of love and relationships. and God is asking me to go to my gods and ask them to save me. What idols have you placed before God? There are days where i don't know what to say to God in prayer and that is something i struggle with but i have no problem going to a friend or blogging on the internet my hearts issues and problems and desires. that SHOULD NOT be the case with our savior! He died for us that He might draw close to us.

I was writing today in my notebook about how i wished certain things were happening in my relationships and as i hit my third paragraph all of a sudden God whispered into my heart, you write all your feelings on this page and yet you prayed just yesterday that you didn't know how to pray to me or tell me about your day. I felt instant conviction, and in instant reply i said to God, 'God! Do you want me to be alone for my whole life.' and in heartbreaking reply God whispers, 'I just want you to love me. . .'

Oh that God, should have to go to His creation and ask them to love Him! I am heartbroken that God had to ask me where my gods where, that he should even have to ask me to go to them for my rescue. So i ask you this, Where are your gods? Why haven't they saved you? and the truth is that they never will.

I love God so much and i want a deeper relationship with God, i want to show God through prayer and through my everyday life that i love him. I want to give Him my everything. I will break down and shatter all the wooden idols i have put into the temple of God. For our bodies are the temples of the Lord and when we fill it with worry, stress, pains, grudges, anger, depression, sin, fornication, idolatry we have put up idols in the temple of the Lord and the Lord doesn't feel welcome in His own home.

So my question is this, what next? What will you do? lets reestablish prayer in our lives and in our hearts. Because, prayer is the cellular device connected to Gods ear. Prayer is not something we can go without. Lets make prayer the number one thing that happens everyday all day, and when this happens it will be put back in the church as the number one thing as well.

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