Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Am SO Blessed!

Dear Last Year,
It has been an extremely amazing and stressful year! there are so many memories that have changed, altered and impacted me. I can honestly say that i have grown and dare i say 'matured' through this year. Going to Gateway was the best experience and choice that i ever had! the professors and frens that i have had the privilege of influencing my life has made me a better person both personally and spiritually! So here is a letter to the people that have made me a better person! <3

Nanda, you are SO amazing is so many ways. I am so glad that you came into my life. You seriously saved me in so many ways. the tears that i have cried and the hysterical laughs have all been memorable and life changing. How can i put into words what you mean to me? There simply isn't enough words to portray what your friendship means to me! I love you beyond words. You are kind, understanding, loving, slow to speak and quicker to listen. You are gentle and patient. You take what i think is the end of the world and always seemed to put it into perspective. You were my get away from all the stresses of finances and work. I will never forget the late night chats, that movie that shall not be mentioned (you know where the thing ran out of batteries ;) haha! ) the beach experience and the ummm . . . well the . . . other experience at my dads where i swore over and over that i "hated you!" oh and the popcorn under your butt! lol oh my! we have so many memories! In the end, there was one thing that i know for sure! I love YOU SO MUCH! <3 Thank you for being my best friend and loving me completely and utterly for who i am good and bad.

Bex, you are so many wonderful things to me. This semester was a trial for our friendship, without Meghan we had to figure out what we meant to each other and in the end we figured out that we loved each other regardless of our faults and our strengths! You have been the gentle and logical conscience that i needed when i was getting stressed with school and finances! last year you were my reality check with boys haha! ;) How quickly we become Dependant upon people in our lives. Now that i am back home i am realizing just how special my best frens at Gateway are to me! YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE! <3 I mean it when i say you are my friend for life! i need you! And i also mean it when i say i support you. You dreams and decisions, no matter how crazy are beautiful because you dreamed them! because Bex you are beautiful! You are a strong and unshakable wave in this world and anyone you touch is changed by your love and kindness. I can promise you that i have been changed! I love you always! :)

Ruth, (and Josh) . . . (mostly Ruth lol) You guys have literally been a getaway from Gateway . . . even though your apartment is in the Gateway hallway, entering your apartment was like entering a different world of peace and quiet, of wonderful chats, (ummm unmentionable conversations ;) lol a world of wonderful things, where we could talk of anything and not be judged. I love you Ruth! i cant imagine life without you! In fact i haven't the faintest clue as to how i did so far! Your gentle spirit and iron like resolve drew me to you. You are strong willed, with opinions, convictions and no fears in speaking them and i love you for that! You have been my sanity is so many situations and i want to thank you for being that for me.
Dear Jellybean, Hi this is Aunty Ash, i love you SO much! i will be back soon to hold you, and kiss you on the forehead! don't give mommy to many back aches or morning sickness! she loves you SO much already! And i love you so much! Ruth my best memory believe it or not is when we went to the pregnancy class. It was the most amazing experience for me because i felt like i was sharing something with you that i have never shared with anyone before. You have truly honored me with you friendship! I love you always! <3

Raf, wow ur friendship seriously snuck up on me :) seriously! I did not like you in the beginning of the year and this is why: YES you are going to hear the reasons ;) firstly you are a geek!, you are dorky! loud in class, opinionated! haha! and just TOO nice! haha! but those are exactly the same reasons why our friendship is what it is today! you seriously are a blessing in my life. I don't feel so secluded in Philosophy, i am always afraid i'll be the only person speaking in a class, but this just so happens to have changed this year . . . you speak WAY MORE than me! lol I miss you tremendously! you are also a fren for life so get used to it! love you!

Meggles! I seriously miss you SO much! <3 Sometimes i just wish i could walk into your room in the middle of the night so that i can vent! You are such a blessing in my life. I wish i could have seen you more this year, but the few times i did see you seriously made my year! when me you and Bex get together it seriously feels like nothing has changed! we will always be the Trinity! I love you always! <3

Ams, You are my sister, that is even more special than a best friend but i want you to know that you really are my best friend! I love you SO much! <3 You get me! When the rest of the world doesn't understand why i cant say how i feel, or when i get to sensitive, or when i randomly start saying something random. Or especially when i say a sentence backwards from sleep deprivation, your brain doesn't even hear it backwards! our dyslexic really works in our favor :) I love you so much Sissie! i really am proud of you! you have worked so hard this year and i am the proudest big sister in the entire world. no matter where you go i want you to know that i support you and love you with all my heart! <3 I cant wait to see what God has in store for you! You sister always! ash!

And here are some memories! :)

We are crazy together! The sea really had no chance against us!
Thank You Guys For Being MY BEST FRIENDS!!!! I AM SO BLESSED!

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